日中辞典・中日辞典で「Removal of secundines by aspiration curettage」に一致する中国語例文は見つかりませんでした。
「Removal of secundines by aspiration curettage」に近いキーワードやフレーズ | Weblio日中中日辞典に収録されている単語を、文字コード順(UTF-8)に並べた場合に前後にある言葉の一覧です。 Removal of retroperitoneal drainage device Removal of rhinolith Removal of rice bodies from tendon sheath Removal of salpingothecal shunt Removal of scleral buckle Removal of Scribner shunt Removal of secundines by curettage Removal of Shirodkar suture from cervix Removal of silastic tubes from ear Removal of silastic tubes from fallopian tube Removal of skeletal muscle stimulator Removal of skin necrosis or slough |
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