ピンイン dān cè shèn duō fā xìng náng zhǒng bìng英語訳 unilateral multicystic disease of kidney...
ピンイン kǎ bō xī duō fā xìng chū xuè xìng ròu liú英語訳 Kaposi multiple hemorrhagic sarcoma...
ピンイン shuāng shàng zhī duō fā xìng kāi fàng xìng gǔ zhé英語訳 Open multiple fractures of both upper limb...
ピンイン shuāng shàng zhī duō fā xìng bì hé xìng gǔ zhé英語訳 Closed multiple fractures of both upper limbs...
ピンイン shuāng xià zhī kāi fàng xìng duō fā xìng gǔ zhé英語訳 Open multiple fractures of both lower limbs...
ピンイン shuāng xià zhī bì hé xìng duō fā xìng gǔ zhé英語訳 Closed multiple fractures of both lower limbs...
ピンイン shuāng tuǐ kāi fàng xìng duō fā xìng gǔ zhé英語訳 Open multiple fractures of both legs...
ピンイン shuāng tuǐ bì hé xìng duō fā xìng gǔ zhé英語訳 Closed multiple fractures of both legs...
ピンイン shuāng bì duō fā xìng kāi fàng xìng gǔ zhé英語訳 Open multiple fractures of both arms...
ピンイン shuāng bì duō fā xìng bì hé xìng gǔ zhé英語訳 Closed multiple fractures of both arms...